Americans don't know Hispanics

Hi, welcome to my blog. Here you'll find useful information about doing business with Hispanic markets, please give me some time to know how to blog and a little more time to upload it.
About me:
I started New York Commercial Office, NYCO , about 5 years ago, to help companies from South America doing business with the United States. Thru the confidence of several important clients, we built a reputation and a track record of success. Then, we thought, why don't go the other way and help Americans learn how to do business with Hispanics. Most consulting alternatives in the market are mediocre at the best and even large Fortune 500 seem working with amateurs.
I have a couple Master Degrees in Business Administration. A Chilean alien -with a wide experience in executive positions for American companies in Latin America- that likes business old-fashion: based on honesty, hard work, commitment, trust and respect. At 40, God blessed me with a nice family: my significant other, Leslie, and three kids: Ignacio "Tato" (18) Javiera (9) and "Junior" (7 weeks) We live in New Jersey since year 2001.
Nop! I don't like hot spiced food and my country has not a tropical weather. Those are some of the stereotypes I crossed with while in New York. The Global Economy requires for each individual to start deeply understanding the profiles and backgrounds of different cultures without simplicities.
This Site:
I would like to create an open space for debate about marketing to Hispanics targets. But, also, as topics of interest, I want to share opinions about what I believe is a serious crisis in customer service in America and what we can do to change the wave. Ultimately, I see this site as a billboard for business opportunities between America and the "other America" south of Rio Grande and beyond. A window to a Globalized world of opportunities.
See you later!
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