Sunday, May 20, 2012

CBP Agents Accussed of Excesive Force

With the same force I advocated against illegal immigration a few years ago, now I am fighting the abuses from public agents in the United States. They are there to enforce the law and not to abuse it or behave as if they are above the law. The Patriotic Act has a very specific and clear objective: fight against terrorism. When they use the law as a shield to refuse accountability or seek impunity while braking the law or violating the most basic human rights and exercise despotism, they are eroding the basis of our society and destroying the same values terrorists want to obliterate.

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Chilean businessman Hernan Cuevas claims what happned to him at the Calexico port of entry in May of 2011 hasn't happened in the 15 years he's been traveling all over the world. Sean Riordan, a lawyer for the ACLU, explains the complaint filed with the Department of Homeland Security. Source: Latest Videos, News Video, and Video Clips | NBC San Diego


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